Flash is an American television series developed by writer / producer Greg Berlanti, Andrew and Geoff Johns Kreisberg, which aired on The CW. It is based on the DC Comics character Flash / Flash a superhero costume crime fighter with the power to move at superhuman speeds, which was created by Robert Kanigher, John Broome and Carmine Infantino. It is a spin-off of Arrow, existing in the same fictional universe. The series premiered in North America October 7, 2014, where the driver has become the most watched telecast of the CW. Mainly shot in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, the series follows Allen, portrayed by Grant Gustin, an investigator from the crime scene that is struck by lightning during an explosion of local particle accelerator and gains superhuman speed. Barry teamed up with STAR researchers Labs and under the pseudonym of "Flash", uses his new powers to fight against crime and help stop meta-humans who also got powers, but instead chose to use them to commit crimes.
Superhero fiction,Drama,Action,Mystery
Developed By:
Greg Berlanti,Andrew Kreisberg,Geoff Johns
Grant Gustin,Candice Patton,Danielle Panabaker,Rick Cosnett,Carlos Valdes,Tom Cavanagh